Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama eligibility to see its day in court?

Obama eligibility to see its day in court?
Pivotal hearing decides whether 'birther' case will be trashed, heard on merits
Posted: October 02, 2009
1:00 am Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A hearing Monday is set to determine whether the U.S. Justice Department will get its motion to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to hold the office of president or whether the case will move forward to be heard on its merits.

California judge David Carter scheduled a tentative trial date for the case for Jan. 26, 2010. But, to meet that trial date, the case must survive an Oct. 5 hearing on the Department of Justice motion to dismiss.

1 comment:

  1. 153 delegates will convene in St. Charles, IL from November 8-22 to discuss ways in which citizens can hold their gov't accountable for violations of the Constitution (including BHO's refusal to produce adequate documentation of natural born citizenship).

    3 delegates from each state are elected and the voting is open to the public. The election is this Saturday, October 10th from 10-4. To find a voting center in your area, or for more info, go to
