Sunday, October 4, 2009

A rivetting screenplay in the works

A meeting of the powered elite behind closed doors;
A decision is made by the “illums” that now is the time to push the big domino
A discussion from the meetings messenger with big corporate boss(es);
Money transfers to politcal action reps.
The globalists lay out the strategy, all roads must lead to Rome.
Trash the dollar and the Constitution.
Both Repubican and Democratic candidates to be unconstitutional.
The President at their finger tips should be vulnerable to the bus undercarriage.
Young David appears as rumblings occur regarding the absence of a Birth Certificate. DAVID reads beyond the web posting of the COLB.
What his birth was controlled by the British Crown?!! Can’t be!!!
David speaks softly “He could have been born in the White House and it wouldn’t change the fact that his father was Kenyan at his birth.” (sorry for misquote). Few listen to DAVID.
DAVID gets the run around in New Jersey (obstruction of justice stuff)
But the appeal points him in the direction of the big house of JUSTICE, SCOTUS.
By now the dogs are all over him, sniffing around, getting ready to pounce. Then the train ride. Then the document concealment. Then the homeless guy. Then the radio chatter. Then the thugs. Poor David, how could anyone not soil themself. The document delivered, there is no turning back now, GAME ON!
Dismissal for Berg. Dismissal for Taitz. Dismissal for DvW. Dismissal for Wrotnow.
The electoral vote, no da!
A big celebration bash held by the power elites. Some side conversations about the pesky flees testing their fortress defense.
Then the Chester Arthur discovery. Have we a copycat fraud in the House. The elites talk more seriously about the threat but still with confidence in their well chosen and groomed guards.
They initiate phase 2, what happens when a few intelligent Americans get balls. They create their own threat to stifle the real threat to the USURPER.
Discussions between the elites with the MSM big dogs.
Protect this President Usurper (PU) or we will bring down the whole house.
But DAVID sets up his own dominos, one by one, and at just the right moment starts the chain reaction. He had discovered that the President Usurper was only one domino in the chain. There was a pressure point, a chink in their armor, a particular person who had a particular legal weakness. (Or a bad guy turned good [not as likely])
As the Supreme Court makes its ruling that no “Natural Born Citizen” must ever have been or be born into any possibility for conflict of national allegiance through dual or multiple citizenships,
the public wolves start attacking the accomplices to the “biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon the American people”.
The elites start tumbling down. There are not enough hand coughs to go around.
The announcement of the installment of the Presidency by the VP and the date set by the Supremes for the special election to formally set the the record straight; “The United States Of America shall be a Republic, with the rule of law from its Constitution”
A US Marine commander al decked out in battle gear announces to his troops, “The President has resigned after the Supreme Court ruled that he was not eligible to be The President. Folks, once again get to fight for the real America. Uuraah!”
Close out with DAVID gets to play golf once again.
As he cans a long snake, he does a beautiful fist pump and yells
A long journey begins with the first step.
We need a movie to get more Americans on the subject.
You could make a call for writers to present storyboards or
whatever they call the concepts for their piece.

Thank you!!!!

--- Hennie Bogan on September 22, 2009 at 7:11 PM --

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